Locale::Po4a::Chooser(3) Po4a-Module verwalten


Locale::Po4a::Chooser is a module to manage po4a modules. Previously, all po4a binaries used to know all po4a modules (pod, man, sgml, etc). This made the addition of a new module boring, because you had to make sure that the documentation is synchronized in all modules, and that each of them can access the new module.

Jetzt müssen Sie nur die Funktion Locale::Po4a::Chooser::new() aufrufen und den Namen des Moduls als Argument übergeben.

The function Locale::Po4a::Chooser::list() lists the available formats, and exits with the value passed as argument. So, we call Locale::Po4a::Chooser::list(0) when requested for the list of formats, and Locale::Po4a::Chooser::list(1) when passed an invalid format name.


 Denis Barbier <[email protected]>
 Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)


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